This action is now closed

Thank you for your interest in emailing your MP about our campaign for an energy social tariff. This is now closed.

Over 3,000 Scope campaigners reached 608 MPs from across the country. They called on MPs to:

- Attend a debate in parliament on 23 November. This gave MPs the chance to discuss Government support for disabled people during the cost of living crisis.

- Push the Government to urgently launch the promised consultation on an energy social tariff. 

- Push the Government to increase short-term financial support to help disabled people this winter.

Stay up to date

The Government’s choices aren’t feeling very equal right now. Join our call for an equal future.

You can also follow updates on our Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram pages.

And learn more about our cost of living campaign on our website.

We're here for you

The cost of living crisis is disproportionately impacting disabled people.

We can help if you're struggling:

Helpline: call 0808 800 33 33 or email [email protected] to speak to one of our friendly advisers.  

Online community: chat with like-minded people about your situation.  

Online information and advice: read about topics like benefits and getting help with bills and food.