This action is now closed

Thank you for your interest in emailing your councillor about inclusive playgrounds. Unfortunately, this campaign action is now closed.

Scope campaigners contacted nearly 3,000 councillors across England and Wales to ask them to support disabled children's right to play.

If you'd like to get in touch with your councillor, you can find out how to contact them using the Government website.

The Play Investigation

There's still time for you to take part in The Play Investigation, and find out how inclusive your local playground is.

Local influencing guide

Access our free guide to find out how to campaign for inclusive playgrounds in your community.

Stay up to date

Keep an eye on our Let's Play Fair webpage to stay up to date with the campaign.

You can also follow updates on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.

We're here for you

Check out the following resources if you’re the parent of a disabled child, and would like some support:

Family services: access support from people who understand.

Helpline: call 0808 800 33 33 or email [email protected] to speak to one of our friendly advisers.  

Online community: chat to likeminded people about your situation.  

Online information and advice: read about topics like support for parents, activities for disabled children, and financial support for families with disabled children